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The Coastal Marine Institute (CMI) was initiated in July 1994 as a cooperative research and research training program involving the Minerals Management Service, the State of California and the University of California. The focus is on long-term environmental, social and economic consequences of oil and gas production activities in the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf region.  These Annual Reports summarize activities and research progress during Program Years 1-10 (July 1, 1994 - June 30, 2004).



Programmatic Progress for Program Year 1 Programmatic Progress for Program Year 6
Programmatic Progress for Program Year 2 Programmatic Progress for Program Year 7
Programmatic Progress for Program Year 3 Programmatic Progress for Program Year 8
Programmatic Progress for Program Year 4 Programmatic Progress for Program Year 9
Programmatic Progress for Program Year 5 Programmatic Progress for Program Year 10


Major programmatic progress achieved during Program Year 10 of the CMI:

¨    During 2003 – 2004, 31 regular and research faculty, 181 trainees (6 postdoctoral, 27 graduates, 111 undergraduates, and 1 high school student) and 36 staff from 6 campuses and laboratories participated in CMI research projects;

¨    This Program year, CMI-sponsored studies published 25 peer-reviewed papers (with an additional 5 papers in review), and 42 research presentations.  In addition, 4 CMI-MMS final reports were completed and 3 draft final reports are currently in review.

Major programmatic progress achieved during Program Year 9 of the CMI:

¨    During 2002 – 2003, 33 regular and research faculty, 100 trainees (1 postdoctoral, 19 graduates, 39 undergraduates, and 41 staff) from 6 campuses and laboratories participated in CMI research projects;

¨    This Program year, CMI-sponsored studies published 11 peer-reviewed papers, with an additional 39 research presentations.  In addition, 6 CMI-MMS final reports were completed and 3 draft final reports are currently in review.

Major programmatic progress achieved during Program Year 8 of the CMI:

¨          During 2001-2002, 31 regular and research faculty, 54 trainees (2 postdoctoral, 16 graduates, and 36 undergraduate students) and 24 staff from 7 campuses and laboratories participated in CMI research projects;

¨          This Program year, CMI-sponsored studies published 11 peer-reviewed papers, with an additional 4 manuscripts that are in press, and 33 research presentations.  In addition, 2 MMS draft final reports were submitted for review.

Major programmatic progress achieved during Program Year 7 of the CMI:

¨          During 2000-2001, 20 regular and research faculty, 65 trainees (24 graduates, 39 undergraduates, and 2 high school students) and 25 staff from 3 campuses and laboratories participated in CMI research projects;

¨          This Program year, CMI-sponsored studies published 17 peer-reviewed, with an additional 29 research presentations.  In addition, 3 draft final reports were submitted for review and 1 MMS final report was completed.

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Major programmatic progress achieved during Program Year 6 of the CMI:

¨          During 1999 – 2000, 18 regular and research faculty, 36 trainees (2 postdoctoral, 6 graduates, 26 undergraduates, and 2 high school students) and 3 staff from 6 campuses and laboratories participated in CMI research projects;

¨          This Program year, CMI-sponsored studies published 16 peer-reviewed papers, with an additional 24 research presentations.  In addition, 2 draft final reports were submitted for review and 1 MMS final report was completed.

Major programmatic progress achieved during Program Year 5 of the CMI:

¨          During the past year 18 regular and research faculty, 62 trainees (3 postdoctoral, 11 graduates, 43 undergraduates, and 5 high school students) and 12 staff from 6 campuses and laboratories participated in CMI research projects;

¨          This Program year, CMI-sponsored studies produced 5 peer-reviewed papers that were published, with an additional 10 manuscripts that are in press.  In addition, 4 MMS reports were completed. 

Major programmatic progress achieved during Program Year 4 of the CMI:

¨          During the past year 21 regular and research faculty, 41 trainees (29 undergraduates, 5 graduates and 7 postdoctoral) and 29 staff from 6 campuses and laboratories participated in CMI research projects;

¨          This Program year, CMI-sponsored studies produced 9 peer-reviewed papers that were published, with an additional 4 manuscripts that are in press.

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Major programmatic progress achieved during Program Year 3 of the CMI:

¨          The selection process (release of RFP, solicitation of full proposals, peer-review of full proposals, final selection) for new studies to begin in Program Year 4 was initiated and completed; 5 new studies and 3 continuing studies will be funded in Program Year 4 (FY 1997/98);

¨          Budgets and contractual arrangements for 3 new studies for Year 3 were finalized, an additional $586,842 in matching funds were secured from University, State, local and private funding sources. 

¨          During the past year 25 regular and research faculty, 87 trainees (57 undergraduates, 25 graduates and 5 postdoctoral) and 36 staff from 8 campuses and laboratories participated in CMI research projects;

¨          This Program year, CMI-sponsored studies produced 12 peer-reviewed papers that were published, with an additional 5 manuscripts that are in press.

Major programmatic progress achieved during Program Year 2 of the CMI:

¨          The selection process (release of RFP, solicitation of full proposals, peer-review of full proposals, final selection) for new studies to begin in Program Year 3 was initiated and completed; 4 new studies and 2 continuing studies will be funded in Program Year 3 (FY 1996/97);

¨          Budgets and contractual arrangements for 2 new studies for Year 2 were finalized, an additional $934,545 in matching funds were secured from University, State, local and private funding sources. 

¨          During the past year 26 regular and research faculty, 77 students (54 undergraduates, 21 graduates and 2 postdoctoral) and 12 staff from 8 campuses and laboratories participated in CMI research projects;

¨          Drs. Kolstad and Deacon hosted a research conference at UCSB which focused on the topic of Substitution in Valuing Recreational Resources.

¨          This Program year, CMI-sponsored studies produced 14 peer-reviewed papers that were published with an additional 3 manuscripts that are in press (all of which acknowledged MMS sponsorship).

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Major programmatic progress achieved during Program Year 1 of the CMI:

¨          The contract for years 1-5 (1994-99) of the CMI was successfully negotiated with MMS and University officials;

¨          The selection process (release of RFP, solicitation of full proposals, peer-review of full proposals, final selection) for new studies to begin in Program Year 2 was initiated and completed; 6 new studies will be funded starting July 1, 1995 and 2 additional studies will be funded when FY 95/96 funds become available;

¨          Dr. Mark Carr was hired to serve as the Deputy Director of the CMI.  He will facilitate coordination with state resource agencies, campus research groups and student participation;

¨          In November 1994, Russell Schmitt gave a presentation to the Scientific Advisory Committee of the MMS-Environmental Studies Program updating them on the progress of the Southern California Educational Initiative during its first five years and outlining future plans for the Coastal Marine Institute;

¨          In January 1995, the Southern California Educational Initiative conducted a Research Agenda Workshop with the objective of developing a sociological and economic research agenda for both the CMI and SCEI.  Participants targeted priority research areas of interest both to the MMS and to UC researchers; 

¨          Budgets and contractual arrangements for 6 new studies for Year 2 were finalized, $825,835 in matching funds were secured from University, State, local and private funding sources.

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